In this brand new YouTube video, former long-time Rigpa student and instructor, Tahlia Newland, examines the “Rigpa Renewed Apology” recently issued on October 15, 2021. She holds it up against the Four Powers described in the Vajrasattva practice of confession and healing.
Newland points out where the apology matches the criteria laid out in the practice for a real confession and apology and where it falls short.
Watch it below or on YouTube.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, you can read my own written response to the Rigpa Renewed Apology in this article: Never Accept an Incomplete or Inauthentic Apology.
I sent my response to Rigpa on October 31. 2021, but have yet heard anything back, despite their claim to care so much for the people who were abused by Sogyal Rinpoche.
By provide feedback like this, I personally hope to help Rigpa craft a true and complete apology that would be meaningful to the people who were harmed by Sogyal Rinpoche.