By now, most of you know the independent investigation conducted by the law firm Lewis-Silken has published its findings and confirmed abuse in Rigpa.
But in case you missed it, you can download the report here: Independent Investigation Report. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the download link.
Below you’ll find the Executive Summary and Recommendations from the report, as well as links to recent news coverage related to the findings. The full report is 50 pages long and highly detailed. This is just a brief summary.
Before reading, please be aware that this report includes language and content which some people might find upsetting or triggering.
Outcome of an investigation into allegations made against Sogyal Lakar (also known as Sogyal Rinpoche) in a letter dated 14 July 2017
Karen Baxter, Partner, Lewis Silkin LLP
22 August 2018
Executive Summary
Whilst I have seen evidence that many people feel that they have benefitted greatly from having Sogyal Lakar as their teacher, individual experiences are very different. There are varying degrees of closeness to Sogyal Lakar, with the closest relationships regularly referred to as the “inner circle”. The experiences of some of the members of the inner circle are very different from the experiences of many of those who are less close.
Not all of the allegations against Sogyal Lakar are upheld, as explained in the body of the report below, but based on the evidence available to me, I am satisfied that, on the balance of probabilities:
a. some students of Sogyal Lakar (who were part of the ‘inner circle’, as described later in this report) have been subjected to serious physical, sexual and emotional abuse by him; and
b. there were senior individuals within Rigpa who were aware of at least some of these issues and failed to address them, leaving others at risk.
A number of serious concerns arise out of my findings which, in my opinion, must be addressed. Recommendations and proposed action points are set out at the conclusion of this report.
I have been asked to set out any recommendations that I have for change within Rigpa as a result of my findings. My practical recommendations are set out below. Should they be accepted, there will be detailed work to be done in implementing the recommendations across the Rigpa organisation, which operates in a number of different territories. It will be necessary in a number of respects to take into account local laws, regulations and guidance in each such territory as well as having regard to the legal personality and governance structure through which Rigpa operates in each territory.
There are also a number of matters which may require further investigation before the Rigpa leadership is able to reach final decisions in relation to this overall matter. The possibility of such further investigations is referred to at various points above.
Before moving to implement the recommendations below, my view is that the leadership of Rigpa should consider first the overall effect of these findings on its mission and work as an organisation. In the United Kingdom, for example, the trustees would need to consider whether the findings of the report, the resources required to act on the recommendations and the degree to which the work and profile of Rigpa has in the past been closely associated with the persona of Sogyal Lakar, make it possible for the organisation to move past these events and operate sustainably and successfully in the future. Appropriate advice should be taken on this and it should be noted that in raising this issue for the trustees I do not seek to guide their decision either way, such guidance being outside the scope of my investigation and remit.
Assuming that the Rigpa leadership concludes that the appropriate overall course is to put in place structures and procedures to ensure that its work as an organisation can continue in the future without the risk of harm, I recommend the following:
1. Sogyal Lakar should not take part in any future event organised by Rigpa or otherwise have contact with its students;
2. Rigpa should take steps to disassociate itself from Sogyal Lakar as fully as is possible (having regard to any legal arrangements which may for the time being connect the organisation with him);
3. Rigpa leadership in each country (being the trustees or equivalent) and the Vision Board should, as necessary, be refreshed in order to ensure that;
a. its members are unconnected with the harmful events referred to in this report and so can credibly lead the programme of changes required;
b. its members are all publically committed to the concept that abuse will not be tolerated by anyone, or against anyone, within Rigpa (including teachers); and
c. wherever possible, the leadership should include some members who are unconnected with the student body, for example lay trustees as such would be recognised in the United Kingdom.
4. Professional management should be appointed at each major Rigpa centre. Wherever possible, the management team should include some members who are not part of the student body. Care should be taken to ensure that all members of management are able to perform their responsibilities and are not inhibited in doing so, for example, as a consequence of considering themselves bound to demonstrate ‘unwavering respect’ towards the guru.
5. An appropriate risk assessment addressing the whole range of the organisation’s activities should be conducted and regularly refreshed. The risk assessment should specifically address teaching practices which are, or have been, associated with the Dzogchen Mandala – careful, well guided judgments will need to be made on the future use of such practices in the organisation’s work. For the avoidance of doubt any practice amounting to abuse of a student should never be tolerated.
6. A comprehensive and written safeguarding policy should be put in place to ensure that:
a. sexual relationships between teachers and students are either prohibited entirely, or subject to specific safeguarding measures to ensure there can be no abuse of power;
b. any ‘lama care’ that is deemed to be necessary is carried out in a way which ensures the health and safety of those providing these services is adequately protected;
c. mechanisms for the confidential reporting of concerns are clear and can be easily found by those with concerns;
d. reports of any incidents and allegations are recorded and stored in a secure and proper way;
e. incidents and allegations are promptly investigated in accordance with the policy with appropriate follow up action taken;
f. consideration is given to reporting serious incidents to relevant law enforcement authorities and/or regulators; and
g. the management and leadership of each Rigpa entity is aware of and properly trained in its responsibilities.
7. An abuse helpline outside of Rigpa should be set up, in addition to the internal reporting mechanisms made available.
8. To the extent that it has not done so already, Rigpa should review its fundraising activities to ensure that these are compliant with local laws and regulations. This review should specifically include contexts in which Rigpa events such as retreats may be used as an opportunity for third parties such as external speakers to raise funds for other causes and/or invite gratuity payments on their own behalf. There should be absolute clarity on the proper uses of all such funds.
9. A clear approach to the engagement of speakers and teachers should be established which ensures that they are aware of relevant policies, including the safeguarding and fundraising policies, before having contact with students.
10. So far as is consistent with the wider financial responsibilities of Rigpa, a fund should be created to provide professional counselling to those affected by abuse.
11. An appropriate programme of communications related to the above steps should be undertaken with the letter writers, students and the wider Rigpa community. In addition to a first communication setting out Rigpa’s commitment to a safe and secure environment for all students and the steps to be taken in achieving that, regular updates should be given until the programme of changes has been completed.
12. Rigpa’s leadership should consider (taking further advice as necessary) the extent to which it is obliged to report any of the matters set out in this report to law enforcement authorities or relevant regulators in each applicable jurisdiction.
Again, you can download the report here: Independent Investigation Report. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the download link.
Related News Reports
- Why Tibetan Buddhism Is Facing Up to Its Own Abuse Scandal – The Telegraph, UK
- Most famous Buddhist teacher after the Dalai Lama’ is accused of sexually abusing female followers and keeping a harem – Daily Mail, UK
- Dalai Lama Admits to Knowing about Decades-long Abuse in Tibetan Buddhism -Tricycle
- The Bad Buddha: Dark side of celeb guru Sogyal Rinpoche who ‘sexual abused’ the beautiful young women dubbed his ‘Dakinis‘ – The Sun, UK
- Rigpa investigation highlights the risk of unchallenged, ongoing abuse within religious groups – Hudgell Solicitors
I’m sorry for not posting this earlier, but I was in the midst of moving to a new rental after losing my home to the lava eruptions on the Big Island, and the report had already been widely circulation. However, I wanted the information to be part of the site for anyone who might visit in the future.
If you have any thoughts to share, I would love to hear them in the comments below.

Mary Finnigan
`The Daily Mail online cribbed their item on Sogyal from The Sun. And of course got their facts wrong. Sogyal is believed to be in Thailand, not Tibet as stated in the other reports. Can you imagine our spoiled brat living in Tibet? Even in a 5 star hotel? And for the most recent expose of the corruption at the heart of Rigpa check Sogyal Truth on Twitter. (FYI s/he is not me). Ten of thousands of euros and dollars plus gold found stashed there by the French police. Can’t imagine why they didn’t put it in the bank — can you?
Henri Lang
Thailand. HQ for sex abusers. Perfect. But seriously I hope Sogyal and the others are tried in court. If not they will have successfully guarded their cult status. The toxic myth that somehow Buddhist communities are operating to some other or higher moral order than the rest of humanity needs full dismantling – and this will only – in my opinion – reach full conclusion with a due judicial process. Also want to say Mary the world owes you one for telling the truth and refusing to go away when so many wanted you to. I doff my hat to you.
Dan Hodgson
One individual who misbehaved inside a large organisation only does so by gaining the acquiescence of those around him. Those who don`t actively stop the bad behaviour are also guilty. The Dharma I learnt allows one to kill a serial killer part way through his career. the practical difficulty is trying to explain oneself in a civil court of law. The supporters who turned a blind eye are on a par with defendants at Nuremberg who claimed they were “only following orders”. They need to be held to account publicly. Their whimpering excuse that “they tried” is simply not good enough .The eight letter writers found a way that worked.
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pants as well as matches etc. The Kaftan is actually
the primary write-up of clothing that is actually utilized on relationships
as well as is actually described as dhoti, saree and also the salwar kameez.
There is actually nevertheless no obsession for
males to use slacks, t-shirts and also other garments
when they wed as well as acquire wed.
Formal Clothes Individuals commonly wears clothing to function and many people purchase official
outfits to attend office as well as college consistently.
Official garments are typically the like those put on in the house except
in offices where they are actually offered a
much more official look. In offices, people usually wear black trousers with a white colored shirt and tie to accomplish their daily work.
In other industries, people additionally use matches and accept associations to participate in conferences and conferences in workplaces.
Casual Clothes Many individuals buy informal clothes to
take along with them on weekends and also vacations when they
head out buying. They are typically pj’s,
nightshirts, sweatshirts, denims, Tees, sweat pants and also Capri pants to
participate in casual parties along with
close friends. The function of purchasing laid-back garments is actually to use all of them
as well as manage to use all of them for many times without needing to
modify and clean all of them. Having said that
there are actually circumstances where individuals have to bear with dirty
as well as moist clothing that are past the repair service, because of this, they require to
obtain protective attire such as absorptive
outfits to keep the garments tidy.
Work Clothes Folks ordinarily acquires a outfit to put
on throughout their work. It is actually however not compulsory that
they ought to put on consistent on a daily basis
at work location, as an staff member may select to use their personal clothes.
The main purpose of buying a outfit is to provide workers a sense of belonging and also for operating, they may
wear any kind of kind of clothes they like according to their personal
inclination. However there are actually particular garments styles that are required for all
kinds of industry consisting of office settings. Workplace apparel types feature professional
t-shirts, grabbed blouses and pants, skirts,
official pants and also jeans, jackets, waistcoats,
. Style The general function of wearing clothes that fit your body type is to make you think comfortable and at ease.
Thereby, you require to select the appropriate
garments for your type of body as well as the affair. As an example, if you
are acquiring a skirt for a professional occasion, it will certainly certainly not be appropriate for
a event. Hence, the very same principle puts on various
sorts of formal dresses. For an office dress, it is actually needed for it to certainly not be too create suitable;
otherwise it is going to appear weird and also unsuitable.
Special Event Clothes is actually commonly worn to a unique event or for
a specific celebration. This might be a wedding, a special day party, a
formal appointment, a vacation celebration or perhaps for
visiting a workplace. Such outfits are actually
generally expensive and also looked at to
become the most ideal acquisition that folks can create.
Nevertheless, one ought to consider that these sort of
outfits must not be actually over-dyed as this are going to
mess up the entire appeal of the clothing.
The different colors of the outfits need to also select the ambience.